Welcome to the “www.nvc-csn.be” website (hereinafter the “Website”).
Please read these terms of use (hereinafter the “Terms”), and any special terms stated on the pages of the Website, which govern your use of the “www.nvc-csn.be.be” Website.
These Terms cover your rights and legal responsibilities, and become applicable as soon as you start to use this Website.
This Website is available to you free of charge (except for Internet connection costs) for your personal use, subject to compliance with the Terms set out below.
By accessing, visiting and/or using this Website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Terms, and that you undertake to comply with all relevant laws and regulations. If you do not agree to these Terms, please do not use this Website.
You undertake to access the information provided on this Website exclusively for personal and non commercial use.
You may only use the Website for legitimate purposes. It may not be used or misappropriated for purposes contrary to Public Order and Morality.
The content of these Terms of use may change. We therefore advise you to read them regularly.
1. Legal information
This Website is the property of European Control Services CVBA, entered in the Register of Companies under number 0440 119 088.
The head office of ECS is located at Industrielaan 42, 2900 Schoten, Belgium.
2. Limitation of liability and guarantees
As a user of the Website, you acknowledge that you have the necessary skills and means to access and use this Website.
ECS and its contributors make every effort to ensure that the information provided on this Website is accurate and up-to-date, reserving the right to modify the content at any time and without notice. However, they cannot guarantee that this information is complete, or that it has not been modified by a third party (hacking, virus, etc.). ECS and its contributors also accept no liability (direct or indirect) in the event of delay, error or omission with regard to the contents and use of these pages and in the event of the service being interrupted or unavailable.
You agree that you have been informed that the Website is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of force majeure, server problems, problems caused by the telecommunications network infrastructures or other technical difficulties. ECS may occasionally shut down its Website for maintenance purposes. In this case, it will make every effort to notify users in advance.
ECS is not responsible for delays, operating problems or incompatibility between the Website and files, your browser or any other programme used for access to the Website.
ECS may under no circumstances be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from or subsequent to third-party distribution of a virus by means of our Website, which may infect your computer system following connection to this Website, use of this Website or browsing on this Website. Likewise, ECS may not be held liable for any material or consequential damage (including but not limited to technical failure, disclosure of confidential documents and data loss), or for any other indirect damage, arising from or associated with the use of the Website.
ECS makes every possible effort to ensure that the information provided on the Website is accurate and up-to-date, and reserves the right to correct the content at any time and without prior notice. However, ECS and its contributors make no undertaking and assume no liability, under any circumstances whatsoever, with regard to the relevance, continuity, accuracy, absence of errors, veracity, timeliness, fair and commercial nature, quality, validity and availability of the information contained in this Website. Each Internet user shall be fully responsible for the risks incurred by giving credence to this information. Incorrect information or omissions may be encountered arising from typographical or formatting errors. If you find any such errors, please inform us so that we can make the relevant corrections.
The information on the Website is provided “as seen”, without guarantee of any kind, whether implied or explicit. ECS categorically rejects any interpretation that seeks to represent the content of the Website an offer of purchase or an incitement to purchase shares or other securities, whether listed or unlisted, of ECS, or any one of its direct or indirect subsidiaries or affiliate companies.
ECS reserves the right to modify any content of the Website at its sole discretion. Pursuant to its policy of updating and improving the Website, ECS may decide to modify these Terms.
Any dated information published on the Website is valid exclusively for the specified date.
Users are also reminded that the confidentiality of correspondence cannot be guaranteed on the network and that every Internet user is responsible for taking all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses that may be circulating on the Internet.
The Website includes links to other websites or associated companies likely to have their own legal conditions, which should be read and complied with.
3. Intellectual property
The Website is fully subject to Belgian law on copyright, trademarks and, in general, on intellectual property.
The ECS trademarks and logos (semi-figurative trademarks) shown on the Website are registered trademarks. Any full or partial reproduction or representation, alone or in company with other elements, without the prior express written authorisation of ECS is strictly forbidden.
The general structure, software, texts, images, videos, sounds, know-how, animations, and more generally all information and content shown on the Website, are the property of ECS or are subject to rights of use or exploitation. These elements are subject to copyright law.
Any full or partial representation, modification, reproduction, distortion, of all or part of the Website or its contents, by any procedure whatsoever and in any medium whatsoever, constitutes an infringement sanctioned by articles L 335-2 of Intellectual Property Code.
These Terms do not grant you any licence for the use of trademarks, logos or photographs belonging to ECS.
Any databases appearing on the Website are protected by the legal provisions for the protection of databases. In this respect, ECS expressly prohibits any re-use, reproduction or extraction of elements of these databases. The user shall be held liable for any such reuse, reproduction or extraction.
ECS reserves the right to delete immediately and without prior notice any content – message, text, image or graphic that contravenes the laws and regulations in force and particularly the regulations specified above.
If you wish to use some of the Website content (text, image, etc), you must obtain prior express written authorisation from ECS, by writing to the address given in the paragraph “Legal information” or by sending an e-mail to the webmaster.
4. Respect for privacy
As a user of the Website, you are bound by the relevant laws, and notably the Belgian law on privacy, data protection and freedom of information. Infringement of this law is a criminal offence.
In particular, you must refrain from compiling and using in any fraudulent manner any personal data you obtain, and from any action likely to damage the privacy, reputation, esteem, image or sensitivity, of any individual or corporation, and notably of ECS, by avoiding any defamatory, provocative, malicious or threatening comments, messages or texts on any medium.
5. Personal information
In order to meet your needs while you are browsing the Website, ECS may collect personal information about you, which is processed by electronic methods (some information, which is marked with an asterisk, is mandatory).
You are responsible for checking that the information that you provide through this Website is accurate and complete. So that we can deal with your requests correctly, please inform us immediately of any change to the information you have provided.
The information collected is exclusively for the use of ECS, which is authorised by these Terms of use, unless opposed by you for legitimate reasons, to store and use them in order to inform you about its products and services.
ECS may also pass this information to other companies in its Group, to its brokers, its insurers, and to third parties or subcontractors, but only for the purpose of administration or prospecting, unless opposed by you.
You can oppose the use of data about you for canvassing purposes, at no cost to yourself.
To exercise your right to access, correct and dispute personal information, please contact us.
The Website is not intended to receive any confidential information which you may submit. Consequently, and with the exception of the personal data outlined above, any information (documents, data, graphics, questions, suggestions, concepts, remarks or other) which you communicate on the Website will in no way be deemed confidential. As a result, your decision to communicate that information to us entitles us to use, reproduce, post, modify or forward it, in order to process your request.
6. Cookies
When logging on to the Website, you may be informed that a cookie will automatically be installed on your browser software. This is a block of data that is not used for identification purposes but for recording information about your browsing on the Website. It is used to analyse activity, measure interest, etc., and otherwise to improve the quality of the Website.
You can set your browser software to inform you of the presence of a cookie and to refuse it if you wish.
If you choose to set your browser to refuse cookies, some services will no longer be accessible.
You have the right to access, rectify or delete personal details sent via a cookie as described in the “Personal information” section.
7. Hyperlinks
ECS may not be held liable for hyperlinks to other websites, and particularly for the content of those websites.
ECS is not liable for hyperlinks from other sites to this Website and no such links may be set up without its prior written autorisation.
8. Cautionary statement on forward-looking data
The Website may contain certain information that does not rely on historical facts and that makes statements about the future, including – but not limited to – statements that are predictions of future events, trends, plans or objectives. Such statements are based on the current views and assumptions of management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements (or from past results). Additional information regarding these risks and uncertainties is set out in the documents filed by ECS with the relevant authorities. Forward-looking statements represent predictions made on a certain date, and ECS makes no undertaking to update or revise them, whether in response to new information, future events or for any other reason.
9. General clauses
Any assignment or other transfer of the rights granted under these conditions is strictly forbidden.
If, for any reason whatsoever, a competent court were to rule that a provision of these Terms is invalid, the invalidity of that provision will not in any way affect the validity of the remaining Terms, which will remain in force.
Failure by one of the parties to exercise a right or to institute legal proceedings under the terms of these Terms shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such a right or such proceedings.
The Website is subject to Belgian law. These Terms will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Belgian Law.
10. Use of Cookies
When you visit this Website, a session ID cookie may be automatically installed and temporarily stored on your hard drive to facilitate your browsing of the Site. Once the session ends, the cookie is destroyed. A cookie is a small randomly generated text file that a Website transfers to an individual’s computer hard drive to help facilitate his or her browsing, streamline registration procedures or assist in the measurement of visitors to the Site. By definition, a cookie does not enable us to identify those who visit our Site. Visitors to our Site have the option of refusing those cookies of session by reconfiguring their browsers accordingly. Doing this may have an impact on your browsing of the site, or make the browsing difficult.
Social plug-ins or share buttons on social networks may, subject to your consent, be present on our site to allow you to share content from our website on social networks, let people know what you have seen on this site or voice your opinion concerning the website’s content (social plug-ins include, “like”, “share”, …). The mere presence of social plug-ins on a site – whether or not you are a user of social networks – may result in cookies being stored on your hard drive that track your browsing activities and identify your interests. We have no control over the process used by social networks to collect information about your visit to our site.
The generation and use of cookies by third parties is subject to their own privacy policies. Before deciding to utilize these social plug-ins or networks, we suggest that you read the third-party policy statements to learn how they will use such cookies, including for advertising purposes, and the kind of browsing information that may be collected through dedicated plug-ins. These privacy policies should enable you to make decisions concerning social networks, including about privacy settings for each account you have on these networks. If desired you can refuse having cookies stored on your computer by adjusting the privacy settings in your web browser (see below). You may change this option at any time.
Moreover, to analyze your preferences and subject to your consent, web beacons may be included by third party in some of our articles and messages to identify the pages viewed, record display frequency and the number of visitors, analyze traffic patterns and generate statistics for the most popular content.
Finally, audio and video recordings, podcasts, webcasts are available through third-party services. During your possible accesses and subject to your consent, this third-parties may set cookies on your hard drive to help us identify the most popular content.
If desired you can refuse having cookies stored on your computer by adjusting the privacy settings in your web browser. By continuing to browse on this site, you agree and consent to the use of third-party cookies on our site. You can revoke this consent at any time.